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A bountiful harvest

Extract from a sermon at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, 14 June 2020:

Our gospel reading today began with Jesus active in the work to which God had called him, and later sending out his twelve disciples to keep doing the same stuff.

What was Jesus doing and what did he send the others out to do?

CONNECT – went about from village to village, engaging with people where they were. He did not try to persuade them to come to him. He went to them

TEACHING – Jesus offered practical wisdom, spiritual wisdom for everyday life. It was not arcane religious knowledge or philosophical speculations. It was wisdom to live by. Daily bread indeed.

HOPE – Jesus gave people hope with his talk about the coming kingdom of God and he encouraged people to start acting as if the reign of God was already here.

HEALING – as Jesus did all that people were finding healing, they were being saved, their broken lives were being put back together.

COMPASSION – Jesus embodied (literally) the compassion of God

The full text and video are avilable online.

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Grafton Cathedral
8 Duke St, Grafton


8–12 Duke St, Grafton


02 6642 2844


PO Box 258

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