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Writer's pictureDean Greg Jenks

A new commandment

An exact from the Dean's sermon for Sunday, 19 May 2019:

Jesus did not give many commands. He was invitational rather than dictatorial.

But among the early Jesus people who created the Gospel of John he was especially remembered as giving is followers one simple instruction: Love one another.

I am often asked about the beliefs of various people and groups. My default response is that I do not care all that much what a religion believes, so long as they are not hurting other people.

We are not required to believe this or that.

We are not required to pray in this way or some other way.

We are not required to attend worship, donate money, go on a pilgrimage, or observe any particular religious practices.

Yes, there are things we do and believe—and we want to get them right; but only one thing matters: LOVE.

Imagine how different the church would be and the world would be if we all lived by that new commandment.

The full text of this sermon with links to the video are available online.

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