Christ Church Cathedral Pentecost 19(A) 15 October 2017
Paul urged his friends in Philippi (and would urge us) to be upbeat.
We are not selling fire insurance! We are not trading on guilt.
We are daring to believe that we can live the blessing if we simply say YES to God’s love. How hard is it to say, Yes to the love that beats at the very heart of the universe?
As people of faith we choose to focus on what is going well.
We could dwell on the dark stuff, but what would be to give Evil a power over us that it does not deserve. Make space for the good, because God in Christ has demonstrated an investment in our well-being that Evil has never once shown.
We know in our heart of hearts with Christ on our side we can do anything.
And that is the basis of the deep peace we have as people of faith:
The peace that comes from being who God wants us to be.
The peace that comes from being where God has placed us for now.
And the peace of being engaged in the work God wat s us to do.
Not for our sake, but for God’s sake—and for the sake of our city and our world.
Full notes for this sermon as well as a video recording of the sermon from the 8.00am service are available online.