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Lent Study Program 2020


LENT, the period of 40 days prior to Easter, is a time when people like to make an extra effort to improve our personal spiritual disciplines.


This is part of the on-going process of continual conversion as we seek to become more like Christ in every aspect of our lives, as individuals, as families, and as an intentional faith community.


In addition to the Men's Spiritual Retreat Weekend (20–22 March) and the Cathedral Quiet Day (28 March), a number of other opportunities for intentional spiritual formation are offered during Lent:



Lent Bible Study 

Kickstart your heart, rev up your missional engines and get stuck into Acts…..of justice, mercy and compassion.


Written by Steve Daughtry, ABM Missioner and Parish Priest, and Matthew Anstey, Hebrew Scholar and emerging Public Theologian, these studies will cajole, challenge and encourage you to think deeply about mission in the here and now.



Mystical Mondays


Explore the rich tradition of Christian mysticism in this series of Monday sessions which combine learning about representative mystics with opportunities for meditation practice.


Hunt Hall

Cathedral Centre

Duke Street, Grafton



Lent 2020
dates to be advised


A series of weekly workshops introducing the rich history of mysticism in the church and an opportunity to learn the basic practices of Christian meditation and contemplative prayer.


Facilitator: Roz Rogers






This ecumenical and interfaith discussion group meets in the Edwards Hall most Thursday evenings, from 7.00pm.


Push the boundaries and do not settle for simple answers to complex questions.




Each Tuesday morning a small group of parishioners meets to reflect on the Sunday Bible readings and explore their meaning for everyday life. This group uses a lectio divina method to read and pray the Scriptures together. Contact us for further details.




You may want to consider these online resources to help you observe Lent at home.

From the Javaluia web site:


Life is busy! Work, school, athletic events, extra-curricular activities, travel, church, civic organizations, friends, family, etc. occupy much if not all of our time. We often choose to “give-up” something for Lent that won’t really be an inconvenience for us. It rarely brings us closer to God.


This Lent I encourage you all to spend time as a family reflecting, praying, and preparing.  This devotional resource is intended to give you tools to have family devotions. It is built around the prayer practices of Lectio Divina & Praying in Color as well as the physical exercise practices of yoga and walking.  The weekly lesson is intended to be repeated each night so that you can continue to learn, reflect, and expand. Your prayers will inevitably shift based on your experiences each day. There are also lessons for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week.


Check out these resources for yourself ...


Grafton Cathedral
8 Duke St, Grafton




8–12 Duke St, Grafton


02 6642 2844


PO Box 258

Grafton, NSW 2460




9.00am to 5.00pm


9.00am to 3.00pm

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