the Cathedral Choir seeks to encourage and inspire the good use of music within the church & seeks a high standard of music performance
Christ Church Cathedral has had a Choir since the dedication of the Cathedral in 1884 and in 1956 the Choir became affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music, the year RSCM New South Wales Branch was formed.
The Cathedral Choir seeks to encourage and inspire the use of good music within the Church and seeks a high standard of music performance.

The Choir has a diverse repertoire from Gregorian Chant to contemporary liturgical music. They sing each Sunday at the 9.00am Eucharist and at other services throughout the year. On the 1st Sunday of the month and at some major festivals the choir sing a choral setting of the Eucharist. Choral Evensong is sung at regular intervals during the year. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings in the Cathedral. New members are always welcome and are encouraged to contact the Director of Music for details.
Members of the Cathedral Choir are trained in the Voice for Life program from the RSCM, which provides comprehensive choral training material for singers of all age.
A choral piece sung at the Jacaranda Ecumenical Service of Evensong