Cathedral Chapter
The "Chapter" of the Cathedral is a committee established under the Diocesan Governance Ordinance to assist the Dean of the Cathedral in developing and implementing the mission and ministry of the Cathedral within the Diocese of Grafton, the wider community, and the life of the Anglican Communion.
The Chapter works to develop the Cathedral as a place where the Five Marks of Mission are promoted and pursued. In addition, Chapter seeks to assist schools and other ministry units across the Diocese to develop their own ministry activities around these key mission objectives:
To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
To respond to human need by loving service
To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth
The current members of Chapter are:
(a) The Right Revd Dr Murray Harvey, Bishop of Grafton (President of the Chapter);
(b) The Very Reverend Naomi Cooke, Dean of Grafton (Chair of the Chapter);
(c) The Venerable Tiffany Sparks, Diocesan Archdeacon;
(d) Four Clerical Canons;
(i) The Revd Canon Grahame Yager (elected by the House of Clergy at Synod 2023),
(ii) The Reverend Canon Dway Goon Chew (elected by the House of Clergy at Synod 2023),
(iii) The Revd Canon Angela Dutton (appointed by the Bishop in 2023), and
(iv) The Revd Canon Zoe Everingham (reappointed by the Dean in 2023).
(e) Four Lay Canons;
(i) Canon Professor Robert Weatherby (elected by the House of Laity at Synod 2023),
(ii) Canon Heather McKinnon (reappointed by the Bishop in 2023), and
(iii) Canon Lyn Johnston (appointed by Bishop-in-Council in 2023)
(iv) Canon Nick Johnstone (appointed by the Dean in 2023).
(f) Alex Purvis (Cathedral Churchwarden nominated by the Cathedral Parish Council).
The Chapter of the Cathedral has the following functions:
(a) development and fostering of the Ministry of the Cathedral within the Diocese;
(b) promoting and safeguarding the place and function of the Cathedral as the parent church of the Diocese for Diocesan and civic services;
(c) assisting in facilitating the Cathedral’s wider ministry especially in the areas of evangelism, education, ecumenical endeavour, media communication, public witness, music and the arts;
(d) to be available as possible facilitators of occasional major Diocesan events whether worship, learning or Synodical;
(e) advocating to all members of the Diocesan family the responsibility of all for maintenance of the Cathedral;
(f) to be available to the Bishop for consultation and resource.